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Deaf In Prison Documentary

HEARD created the #DeafInPrison Campaign to raise awareness about abuse of & discrimination against deaf prisoners.The Campaign aims to start a national conversation about these concerns and to compel corrective and preventive action.


Why Many Deaf Prisoners Canā€™t Call Home

Calling home from prison is cumbersome and expensive. For deaf people behind bars, itā€™s even tougher, sometimes impossible.


In the Fight to Close Rikers, Donā€™t Forget Deaf and Disabled People

To end mass incarceration, we must first begin to be honest about the real and deadly consequences of racism, classism and ableism. Closing Rikers is a step in the right direction, but in addition, the stories of deaf and disabled people must be amplified, and New York must take steps now to save them.


The Complete Felix Garcia Interview

Videos from an 8-part interview with Felix, a wrongfully convicted (innocent) deafdisabled Latino man who has been incarcerated for more than 40 years. Learn more through the hashtag #FreeFelixGarcia


HEARD Concerns About Deaf Driver Cards

Please think twice before you celebrate deaf driver cards, deaf police registries and other easy “solutions” proposed by police to end police violence. A lot more will have to be done to change the culture of policing than a simple card. Also, these cards have led to police violence in the past when DDBDDHH people have reached for the card.


8 to Abolition in ASL

Maybe you saw #8toAbolition in response to the recent ā€œ 8 canā€™t waitā€ reform campaign? This vlog expands on why that was needed. The information in this vlog is translated from


ASL: Police Reforms You Should Always Oppose

ASL Translation of ā€œPolice Reforms You Should Always Opposeā€ written by Miriame Kaba.


HEARD Webinar on Mass Incarceration & COVID-19

Webinar in ASL about the prison system and imprisoned deaf community during the time of COVID-19.


Mass Incarceration Explained in ASL

We teamed up with five other amazing community organizations to create the first #ASL vlog about #MassIncarceration in the United States! Take a few minutes to learn why people are calling to #DefundPolice.