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This is International Week of the Deaf! The theme is “Equality for Deaf People.”

HEARD will present at three different locations to raise awareness about Deaf Access to Justice issues. Dates & locations are below:

  • Tues., Sept. 24 @7-9pm — Community College of Baltimore County Deaf Awareness Week, ARTS Lounge (formerly known as Q) (We will present the entire time)
  • Fri. Sept. 27 @7-9pm — NAOBI-DC Ally Soiree; Gallaudet University, SAC Multipurpose Room (HEARD will present along with a dozen other awesome deaf-centric organizations!!!)
  • Sat. Sept. 28 @9am-3:30pm — National Aquarium’s Deaf Awareness Day, National Aquarium (Baltimore) (HEARD will table all day)

Looking forward to seeing you at least once this week!