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Our May 2018 infographic is up! Check out the ASL translation and learn what kind of correspondences we received and where in the month of May in 2018.

Interactive infographic for May

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#DeafAccessToJustice#DisabilitySolidarity END#MassIncarceration

[Video description: 
Title card: “HEARD May 2018 INFOGRAPHIC”

The video fades to black and then a narrator starts to translate six quotes in ASL. The narrator is a Mexican-American man wearing a short-sleeved black shirt with a black/gray gradient background. There is a header text in the left top corner that reads, “HEARD April 2018 Infographic” and below the header is a state in which every quote is from respectively.

“I met with a doctor. I tried to lipread. I think he asked about my medical insurance and I said yes. The nurse interrupted and she signed to clarify. Turns out the doctor asked if I have mental health issues. They put down a need for ASL interpreters in my medical files. When I transferred to another prison, interpreters were not provided and there is no VP. I contacted HEARD and a local organization to help with installing a VP and getting interpreters to communicate with the prison medical unit staff. They had a VP installed but I waited and waited to see a doctor . . . I finally met with a doctor. They didn’t find anything. I’m not sure if they did a through examination.” (California)

“I am being transfered to other prison … as a retaliation/ punishment for contacting HEARD, The American Disability Act Authority, and the prison legal office about ADA discrimination practice. I am being transferred under the guise of Hi Risk medical, but I do not meet the criteria for Hi Risk medical.” (California)

“[Another Deaf inmate] asked me to how to write clearly on a new kite he’s working on because an Officer —- yelled at him but [Deaf inmate] says the officer knows [Deaf inmate] is Deaf and not pause and clarify what he was saying and [Deaf inmate] just used a hand gesture that says nevermind and went to find someone to help translate…by the time he returned, Officer —-told [Deaf inmate] he’s gonna get a LOP write up.” (Minnesota)

“I am legally Blind and 85% Deaf and looking at over 30 years of prison. The guards do not believe my claims of disability. In fact . . . [two deputies] cornered me to taser me if I reacted wrongly and accused me of playing games and they didn’t believe me in the fact of my severity of my disabilities . . . Truth is I fear the Deputies with their ignorance a lot more than the inmates as I’m continually harassed and mistreated by Deputies who need reform and proper training.” (Idaho)

“I requested TTY but was denied every prison is supposed to offer it and according to literature they do have it here. But other guys who are also hard of hearing have told me they’ve been denied too. [one Deaf inmate] is not allowed to carry meds that has prescriptions to self-carry, including an inhaler.” (New York)

“On the day of arrest and interrogation with police there was no interpreter. During my meeting with my lawyer there was no interpreter. At court there also was no interpreter. I accepted a 15 year guilty plea but I wanted to do a 5 year plea like my lawyer had said. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I never agreed to do any crime and I tried explaining my side of the story but never had the chance.” (Wisconsin)

The video shows the infographic then cuts to several title cards that read,
“HEARD received 123 contacts from or about Deaf imprisoned people.”
“Contact came from 21 different states and the District of Columbia*
*The District of Columbia does not have a prison so imprisoned people from DC are held in federal prisons across the nation.”
“More than 30% contacts were related to violence and communication deprivation.”

The video ends.]